Friday, April 17, 2009

Lending your heart from time to time~

I ask not for the world, just the acknowledgement of my presence in your eyes as we spend stolen moments together making the evening as perfect as can be~

You make my heart shudder upon the thought of having you yet I have no other desire greater than the one that longs for your company through lonely nights that seem so long and frightening. Every breath beside you is a breath wish reliving for it makes the world sparkle upon the very smile on your face as you melt the erected barriers of defenses surrounding my heart that I have built to shield myself off from such emotions that may wreak havoc upon what is so fragile.

You were a such a pleasant melody that soothed the harshest of my fears that I have longed for in many but could not find yet it will elude me furthermore for its possession falls to another.

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