Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Forgive & Forget~

Weee~ For all those who just had a fight or a quarrel or even a lil show down of words.... A question for you to ponder: Does it really matter whose fault it is?

The chaos of war blinds us of the damage we cause yet when the dust settles~ We might live to regret our actions~

A stone thrown is a stone lost~
Milk spilled an ugly course~
Words said are words gone~
Harm caused never undone~

So for all those who had a fight, pick up the phone and whisper those magical words of apology and let the rest be forgotten~

Especially true to couples, it doesn't matter who wins the fight cause in the end both sides suffer and you just might have presented a golden opportunity to an outsider to creep into what was and hopefully still is rightfully yours~

Cherish what you have for someone out there might just take it all away from you~

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